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Winter Choice Board

The winter months may be cold and blustery but that doesn't mean your kids should be bored.  Keep your little ones busy this winter with a "Winter Choice Board".

Make a snow angel

Make your own hot chocolate


Use food coloring to make pictures in the snow


Watch the snow fall outside your window


Bake something delicious with the family


Write a letter to Santa or friend


Write Christmas cards


Read your favorite holiday book


Make a puzzle


Take a walk in the snow


Make snowflakes out of paper


Tell your family you love them

Build a snowman

Make a pillow and blanket living room fort

Create your own family holiday countdown


Go camping in your living room


Tour the neighborhood to look at the lights


Do a random act of kindness


Have a snowball fight


Make frozen bubbles


Write a story about the holidays


Put on a family play


Play charades


Have a dance party

"Every child deserves a champion; an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be." ~Rita F. Pierson
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